- TW
Testsystem for sluttkontroll og tilstandskontroll av viktige komponenter i høyspenningsnettet
Med vårt nye testsystem fra Omicron kan vi tilby en rekke ulike tester for de fleste ulike komponentene som finnes i transformatorstasjoner og kraftverk. Med dette systemet kan vi utføre testing i forbidelse med sluttkontroll eller tilstandskontroll av krafttransformatorer, måletrafoer(CT&VT), effektbrytere, jordingsanlegg og impedansemålinger av linjer/kabler.
Komponenter som kan testes med systemet:
DC winding resistance up to 100 ADC
Transformer demagnetization
Dynamic load tap changer diagnostics (on load tap changer test) up to 100 A DC
Transformer turns ratio (TTR) per tap up to 2 kVAC including polarity and excitation current
IEC 61387-1 support for transformer with unconventional vector groups
Automatically determination of the transformer’s vector group with CP SB1
Leakage reactance / short circuit impedance up to 6 AAC
Transformer, bushing: power/dissipation factor + insulation capacitance up to 12 kV, 300 mA | frequency from 15 Hz to 400 Hz |
Excitation current per tap up to 12 kV, 300 mA |
Surge arrestors: leakage current and watt losses up to 12 kV, 300 mA
CT ratio (with burden) up to 800 A
CT burden up to 6 A AC
CT excitation curve (knee point) up to 2 kVAC
Polarity check up to 800 A
Accuracy limiting factor (ALF) test
CT ratio with voltage up to 130 VAC | bushing CTs >
CT winding resistance up to 6 A DC
CT demagnetisation and remanence
CT voltage withstand test up to 2 kVAC
CT ratio Rogowski
CT ratio low power up to 800 A
Power/dissipation factor test up to 12kV
IEC 61850 Sampled Values testing
VT ratio up to 2 kVAC | polarity and burden
VT burden up to 130 V AC | secondary
VT secondary voltage withstand test up to 2 kVAC
Polarity check with CPOL2 up to 2 kVAC
VT electronics up to 2 kVAC
IEC 61850 Sampled Values testing
Power/dissipation factor test up to 12 kV
Ground grid impedance for large systems up to 100 A
Step and touch voltage up to 100 A
Ground grid impedance for small systems up to 6 AAC
Soil resistivity up to 6 AAC
Integrity check of grounding connection up to 400 ADC
Reduction factor / current split factor
Measure multiple current paths with Rogowski coil
Line impedance and k-factor up to 100 A of overhead lines or high-voltage cables
Mutual coupling up to 100 A
Positive/negativ or zero sequence impedance
Contact resistance up to 400 ADC
Bushing: power/dissipation factor (tan δ) + insulation capacitance 12 kV, 300 mA
Circuit breaker: power/dissipation factor (tan δ) up to 12 kV, 300 mA | frequency from 15 Hz to 400 Hz